Call for Abstract

13th Global Ethnomedicine and Ethnopharmacology Conference, will be organized around the theme “Explore the new horizons in Ethnomedicine & Ethnopharmacology”

Ethnomedicine 2019 is comprised of 12 tracks and 52 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Ethnomedicine 2019.

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

In many parts of the world, customary employments of plants by neighbourhood groups for the treatment of different afflictions are important in the improvement of present-day pharmaceuticals. Truth be told, most plant-based meds that were produced by pharmaceutical organizations have their beginnings in ethno-drug. In Africa, therapeutic and fragrant plants are stores of remedial components in the treatment of different sicknesses, for example, jungle fever, diabetes and some more. In the Philippines, there is rich ethno medicinal information among neighbourhood groups be that as it may; this learning is just exchanged to the cutting edge through verbal means and individual experience. Prior documentation of this information that has been distributed has been centred around chosen indigenous tribes. Recently, notwithstanding, piecemeal documentation of ethno medicinal learning of some extra indigenous gatherings has been directed.

  • Track 1-1Plants Affecting The Central Nervous System
  • Track 1-2Anti-Inflammatory Plants
  • Track 1-3Plants for Chemotherapy of Neoplastic Diseases

Ethnopharmacology is a related study of ethnic groups and their use of drugs. Ethnopharmacology is distinctly linked to plant use, ethnobotany, as this is the main delivery of pharmaceuticals. Ethnopharmacy is the interdisciplinary science that investigates the perception and use of pharmaceuticals within a given human society. Emphasis has long been on traditional medicines, although the approach also has proven useful to the study of modern pharmaceuticals.

Ethnopharmacology is one of the world's quickest developing logical controls including a different scope of subjects. It joins common sciences inquire about on therapeutic, fragrant and harmful plants with socio-social reviews and has regularly been related with the improvement of new medications. The Editors of Ethnopharmacology have collected a global group of famous supporters of give a basic amalgamation of the significant assortment of new learning and confirmation regarding the matter that has risen over the previous decade.

  • Track 2-1Ethnopharmaceutics
  • Track 2-2Ethnobiology
  • Track 2-3Ethnobotany
  • Track 2-4Clinical ethnopharmacy
  • Track 2-5Medical anthropology

Two-thirds of the world’s population depend upon herbal resources for their primary health care needs. Furthermore, a large number of modern drugs are derived from plant material or conceived, modelled and discovered based on the practice of traditional medicine. Most people, particularly from rural areas in developing countries, have their access initially to traditional herbal medicines to relieve or cure their ailments. Traditional medicine health practices are based on many years of experience obtained by humans in their journey in evolution. Primitive man found remedies for illnesses from his surrounding vegetable, animal, and mineral kingdoms. Some of these remedies were based on mistaken beliefs or mysticism. This brought about the advancement of various systems of medicine like the Chinese system, Ayurveda, Siddha and Unani.  Ebers Papyrus of old Egyptians, or the Samhitas of Ayurveda were veritable fortune houses of human knowledge on herbal remedies and ethno-therapeutics.

  • Track 3-1Ayurveda
  • Track 3-2Indian Medicine
  • Track 3-3Siddha and Unani Medicine
  • Track 3-4Traditional Medicine

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a mending arrangement of Eastern medication created in China over 2,000 years back, joining treatments that are now and again centuries more established. One of its directing standards is to "dissipate underhandedness and bolster the great." notwithstanding treating the ailment, TCM concentrates on fortifying the body's barriers and upgrading its ability for recuperating and to look after well-being. 

Traditional Chinese Medicine incorporates how the human body interfaces with all parts of life and the earth, including the seasons, climate, time of day, our eating regimen and enthusiastic states. It seems the way to wellbeing as the amicable and adjusted working of body, brain and soul, and holds that the adjust of well-being relies on upon the unhampered stream of qi (articulated chee) or "life vitality" through the body, along pathways known as meridians. Customary Chinese Medicine experts consider sickness to be the after effect of disturbances in the course of qi.

  • Track 4-1Herbal formulas
  • Track 4-2Moxibustion
  • Track 4-3Tuina
  • Track 4-4Qigong
  • Track 4-5Acupressure
  • Track 4-6Cupping

Traditional Japanese Medicine (TJM), an alternative form of medicine used in Japan. Although acupuncture, moxibustion, and several related medical practices also play important roles in TJM, herbal medicine.

The Japanese Traditional Herbal Medicine, Kampo, has gradually re-emerged and 148 different formulations (mainly herbal extracts) can be prescribed within the national health insurance system.

Kampo is a Japanese traditional medicine with unique theories and therapeutic methods originally based on traditional Chinese medicine. The underlying idea of Kampo is that the human body and mind are inseparable and a balance of physical and mental is essential for human health.

  • Track 5-1Usage and Integration into Modern Medicine
  • Track 5-2Usage in Clinical Research

Korean medicine refers to the medical practices used in Korea, an ancient history with some overlap with TCM and the healing practices of East Asia. Traditional Korean medicine does not attempt to learn about the body by dissection, experimentation or analysis, but instead observes natural bodily functions as they appear in order to diagnose an illness or ailment. It also never limits the cause of even the most minor ailment to a local one but examines the entire body to find the reason for the condition.

Traditional Korean medicine developed over several millennia according to a unique system. During the Joseon Dynasty, it was considered inappropriate to apply Chinese medicine to Koreans

  • Track 6-1Herbal medicine
  • Track 6-2Moxibustion
  • Track 6-3Aromatherapy
  • Track 6-4Meditation

Phytochemistry is the investigation of phytochemicals, which are chemicals gotten from plants. Those considering phytochemistry endeavor to portray the structures of the vast number of auxiliary metabolic mixes found in plants, the elements of these mixes in human and plant science, and the biosynthesis of these mixes. Plants combine phytochemicals for some reasons, including to secure themselves against bug assaults and plant sicknesses. Phytochemicals in sustenance plants are regularly dynamic in human science, and much of the time have medical advantages.

Phytochemistry can be considered sub-fields of botany or chemistry. Activities can be led in botanical gardens or in the wild with the aid of ethnobotany. The applications of the discipline can be for pharmacognosy, or the discovery of new drugs, or as an aid for plant physiology studies

  • Track 7-1Polyphenols
  • Track 7-2Phytosterols
  • Track 7-3Alkaloids
  • Track 7-4Saponins

Drugs from the plants are less costly, safe, and proficient and seldom have symptoms. These are for restorative utilize the plants are normally air dried to steady weight before extraction. Plant constituents are from any part of the plants like bark, leaves, blooms, roots, organic product and seeds. The therapeutic plant contains both customary and current solutions natural pharmaceutical have certifiable utility and around 80% of country populace relies upon essential social insurance. The plant extraction they require a few properties of low danger, simple vanishing at low warmth, conservation activity. The impact of separated plant phytochemicals relies upon nature of the plant material, and its locale, degree handling, dampness content, molecule estimate. These mixes are integrated by essential. They are generally utilized as a part of the human treatment, veterinary, farming, logical research, and innumerable different territories


  • Track 8-1Extraction of the Plant Materials
  • Track 8-2Qualitative Phytochemical Analysis
  • Track 8-3Quantitative Phytochemical analysis
  • Track 8-4Thin-layer chromatography (TLC) and Bio-autographic methods
  • Track 8-5High performance liquid chromatography
  • Track 8-6Immunoassay
  • Track 8-7Phytochemical screening assay
  • Track 8-8Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR)

Herbal medicines are naturally occurring, plant-derived substances that are used to treat illnesses within local or regional healing practices. These products are complex mixtures of organic. A chemical that may come from any raw or processed part of a plant. Since ancient times, herbal medicine has been used by many different cultures throughout the world to treat illness and to assist bodily functions. Well-known systems of herbal medicine like Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurvedic Medicine.

 Holistic medicine is a form of healing that considers the whole person body, mind, spirit, and emotions in the quest for optimal health and wellness. The practice of holistic medicine integrates conventional and alternative therapies to prevent and treat disease, and most importantly, to promote optimal health. By using healing herbs, people can thrive and focus on their overall conditions, rather than on a particular ailment that typically arises from a lack of equilibrium of the mind, body and environment.

  • Track 9-1Chiropractic care
  • Track 9-2Homeopathy
  • Track 9-3Acupuncture
  • Track 9-4Massage therapy
  • Track 9-5Naturopathy
  • Track 9-6Western medications and surgical procedures
  • Track 9-7Shamanism and Spiritual Medicine

Pharmacognosy is the study of medicinal drugs derived from plants or other natural sources. The American Society of Pharmacognosy defines pharmacognosy as "the study of the physical, chemical, biochemical and biological properties of drugs, drug substances or potential drugs or drug substances of natural origin as well as the search for new drugs from natural sources".

Plant preparations are said to be medicinal or herbal when they are used to promote health beyond basic nutrition. The study of drugs from plants includes the subjects of botany, chemistry, and pharmacology. The renaissance of herbal medicine in this country creates a demand for studies in the field of pharmacognosy.

  • Track 10-1Phytotherapy
  • Track 10-2Phytochemistry
  • Track 10-3Zoopharmacognosy
  • Track 10-4Marine pharmacognosy
  • Track 10-5Natural products chemistry

Ethnopharmacology has already played important role in the development of conventional medicine and is likely to play more significant role in the years to come. A team work amongst ethnobotanists, ethnopharmacologists, physicians and phytochemists is essential for the fruitful outcome on medicinal plants research. While the ethnopharmacologists have a greater role to play in the rationalization of combination of activities, the phytochemist's role will slightly shift towards standardization of botanicals. Indeed today many pharmacological classes of drugs include a natural product prototype. Aspirin, atropine, ephedrine, digoxin, morphine, quinine, reserpine and tubocurarine are a few examples of drugs, which were originally discovered through the study of traditional cures and folk knowledge of indigenous people.

  • Track 11-1Ethnopharmacological Databases
  • Track 11-2New Models for Ethnopharmacological databases
  • Track 11-3Managing Field Data and Workflow
  • Track 11-4Vocher Specimens and Ethnopharmacological Data